Definition: Social Media Marketing is the method of promoting the business on the online platform by way of advertising the products and services. Companies attract the customers towards their products by broadcasting creative posts on social platforms and providing them varieties of products in single space with an efficient price. Thus, it is beneficial for the company to … [Read more...] about Social Media Marketing
Definition: Debentures are the certificate or the creditorship securities issued by the company to the public when there is a need of capital for expansion and development, but the company don’t want to uplift their share capital. They are the liability of the company which has to be repaid in a specific time period; however, a feasible alternative of term loans for … [Read more...] about Debentures
Definition: M-commerce was introduced by the Kevin Duffey in 1977 at the global forum launch and is defined as an innovative way of doing business over the internet, it is an extended version of E-commerce in which handheld devices are used instead of desktop for buying and selling of goods at any place any time. In today's scenario, customers are savviest shoppers and … [Read more...] about M-Commerce
FCB Grid
Definition: The FCB grid or Foote, Cone and Belding model is an integrative approach to interpret the consumer's buying behaviour and its implication for adopting suitable advertising strategy. It is depicted on a matrix with the help of four significant factors, i.e., thinking, feeling, high involvement and low involvement. In 1980, Richard Vaughn, along with his … [Read more...] about FCB Grid
Isoquant Curve
Definition: An isoquant curve is that convex shaped curve which is formed by joining the points depicting the different blends of the two production factors, providing constant output. Here, the term 'isoquant' can be cracked into 'iso' which implies equal and 'quant' that stands for quantity. The word altogether means the same volume or constant output at all points. The … [Read more...] about Isoquant Curve
Exit Interview
Definition: Exit interview is a human resource practice carried out by the organization to gain valuable feedback from the employee who is leaving the organization. It is a standard procedure to obtain insights on the company's strengths and weaknesses, as perceived by the leaving employee. In an exit interview, an interviewer can be an HR representative, manager, owner or … [Read more...] about Exit Interview
Definition: Macroeconomics is that specialized field of economics which focuses on the overall economy. It works on the aggregate value of the various individual units, to determine its more substantial impact on the whole nation. All the prominent reforms and policies are based on this concept. For instance; the nation's income is computed as the per capita income, which is … [Read more...] about Macroeconomics
Wholesale Banking
Definition: Wholesale banking refers to the complete banking solution provided by the merchant banks to the large scale business organizations and the government agencies or institutions. To avail the facility of wholesale banking, the companies need to possess a strong financial statement and operate on a large scale. Usually, multinational companies are the clients of … [Read more...] about Wholesale Banking